Sunday, April 1, 2018

Is Fake News Getting a Bad Rap? Four Benefits of Fake News.

People rarely say anything positive about fake news. Indeed, barely a day goes by without some politician or commentator bloviating about the horrors of fake news. They say fake news is disrupting our society, or fake news is destroying relationships, or it’s hard to tell the difference between fake news and real news anymore. In the interest of fairness, here’s a short list of some of the wonderful benefits of fake news.
  • Fake news helps people avoid reality. Reality can be very uncomfortable at times. In fact, many people have far more reality in their lives than they want. Fake news provides a means of escape.
  • Fake news confirms biases. Nobody really needs, or wants, to see things from the perspectives of others. In a world of chaos and confusion, what people need is confirmation that they are right about everything.
  • With fake news, if you don’t like hearing opinions you disagree with, you never have to be exposed to them. On the other hand, if you enjoy being angry and hateful, fake news can provide more ammunition than you’ll ever need. Either way, fake news is the solution, not the problem.
  • Fake News is more fun than real news. Fake news can bring laughter and joy into people’s lives. Or it can bring a sense of self-righteousness and moral indignation. Who doesn’t enjoy laughing and/or feeling superior to others once in a while?
One of the reasons we see so much fake news is that there’s a tremendous demand for it. Some folks can’t get enough of it. So, the next time you think of disparaging fake news or making fun of the people who love it, remember that most people prefer fake news over real news. For some people, fake news is one of the best things they have in their lives.

Reality is not all it’s cracked up to be. In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato made the case that reality is for people who can’t handle fake news. If you don’t like fake news and prefer to avoid it, that’s your business. But don’t be an anti-fake bigot. Don’t tell people that they should stop reading, viewing, and spreading fake news. Just live in your reality and allow others to live in their unreality. 

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