Friday, May 19, 2017

Trump's Raven

Once upon a midnight dreary,
while I tweeted weak and weary,
Over many vain and various tweets galore,
While I tweeted nearly sleeping,
suddenly there came a pecking,
As of someone gently pecking,
pecking my computer screen. 
'Tis some follower, I muttered,
pecking my computer screen.
Only this and nothing more.

I refreshed my browser screen,
when with many a chirp and tweet,
Out there flew a tweeting birdie,
from inside my browser screen.
The birdie perched upon my shoulder
and in my ear began to tweet,
Perched, and tweeting, and nothing more. 

"Birdie," said I, "thou demonic thing,
Take thyself from off my shoulder
and take thy beak from out my heart.
Leave this place and fly back,
back to my computer screen."
Quoth the birdie, "Nevermore."

And the birdie, never sleeping, 
Still is tweeting, still is tweeting, 
Tweeting till forevermore. 

Note: This piece borrows heavily from Edgar Allen Poe's poem The Raven, a literary masterpiece which is in the public domain. 

The President is tweeting, is tweeting, is tweeting...

When the President has trouble sleeping,
He frequently turns to tweeting.
Sometimes he'll tweet till the morning,
And change policies with no warning.
You might say it's his style of leading.
Over a hundred years ago, Rev. W.L. Watkinson preached a sermon titled The Invincible Strategy. In it, he said, “It is far better to light the candle than to curse the darkness.” These days people prefer to light Molotov cocktails and other incendiary devices.
True Story! Alex Jones of Infowars apologizes for defaming Chobani, LLC. 

In April, Alex Jones of Infowars published a tweet and a video with the headline, “Idaho Yogurt Maker Caught Importing Migrant Rapists.” The company was Chobani. The story, which was shared widely, was not true. Chobani sued. Mr. Jones apologized.
“During the week of April 10, 2017, certain statements were made on the Infowars Twitter feed and YouTube channel regarding Chobani, LLC that I now understand to be wrong. The tweets and video have now been retracted and will not be reposted. On behalf of Infowars, I regret that we mischaracterized Chobani, its employees and the people of Twin Falls, Idaho the way we did.”
The video below features a rant from Mr. Jones followed by his apology.

I urge readers and viewers to think twice before sharing provocative “news” from outlets like Infowars.

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